Dr. Anne Paolucci
Born in Rome Italy , she became a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Rome and continued on to become a foremost authority on Dante, Shakespeare, Pirandello and Hegel. (represented on the lower part of the canvas). Here you see her looking at her reflection and what she has accomplished over the years. The logo of her publishing house is behind her. She wears her Commendatore Medal (bestowed upon her by the Italian Government) around her neck. Her husband, Henry Paolucci, is at her side as he always was, working in tandem. She attended Columbia University (represented directly under her full faced image).
Dr. Anne Paolucci- Presently living
in the United States commuting between
Delaware and New York . She continues to
write her novels and plays, and has a new
book being released this year.
American Women of Distinction
WOMEN IN AVIATION – (Past and Present)
Dr. Ellen Shulman-Baker---------Amelia Earhart
Dr. Baker seen here in front of the launching Shuttle with flowing stream surrounding her, is wearing her full astronaut’s uniform from NASA. She is joined by the pioneer Aviatrix, Amelia Earhart in ghostly image at Dr. Baker’s shoulder peering out at her audience, and right below walking next to her Lockheed Plane (the plane that she disappeared with over the Pacific Ocean ). The two combined demonstrate how far not only aviation has come but how far Women have come as well. Both are pioneers of their time.
Dr. Ellen Shulman Baker.
Residing in Texas with her husband and children,
amd with her proud Grandma
(former Queens Borough President) Clare Shulman
making frequent visits together with her husband
Melvin Shulman.
Aviatrix Amelia Earhart-Forever remembered as a Pioneer in Aviation.
Hon. Olga A Mendez
Senator Mendez, first Puerto Rican woman elected to a State Legislature in the United States mainland is represented here in her typical speech stance. Strong and forthright in her beliefs, she easily brings her points across. She wears the yellow ribbon on her suit (breast cancer survivor). Directly below the main image is Olga at her desk in Albany talking to a constituent on the phone. Her hand with glasses leads you to Olga standing next to her Puerto Rican Coat of Arms. I call this the Many Faces of Olga.
Senator Olga A. Mendez – Now deceased
Is a lasting reminder of what women of
all backgrounds can achieve in their respective
chosen fields. New York and the Senate were fortunate to
have her serve her constituents.

Maria Antonia Anna Palminteri
A middle distance runner at Long Island University, and a graduate of Christ the King High School, she became assistant coach of LIU Brooklyn Track and Field program, and Physical Education Teacher at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School . Here she is seen proudly displaying her medals draped around her neck, with an attitude of self assured confidence. Her raised foot with her arm planted firmly on her leg shows her strong physical appearance, yet her definite dark eyes and hair, with ringlets falling to her cheeks keeps the feminine side quite apparent to the on-looker’s eye.
Maria A. Palmintieri – Has proved herself on
track and in the classroom. She is in the academic
field and has become a mentor for young women
who strive to make their way in athletics.
Florence R. “Sally” Master
Florence R. Master, known to everyone as Sally, is seen here by the light only from a window at her side, holding a pair of glasses in her hand. She is speaking of her children and grandchildren, and by the expression on her face, one can easily see that the love that she has for them is deep and lasting. I created this painting in pastel which instills a softer look, and better demonstrates the feeling I wished to convey in her eyes and the smile on her lips. Her three children, a daughter Susan married to Paul, a daughter Jane married to Kent and her son Daniel (Skip) married to Angie, gave her and her beloved husband Dan four wonderful grandchildren. Sally is now gone but not forgotten.
Mrs,. Sally Master – Having succumbed to breast
Cancer, her proud husband and children have attended
Exhibits of the American Woman Series to tell of
Sally’s love of family and how happy she was to be
able to have her children and grandchildren be
a large part of her life.
Joyce Lim
A graduate of New York University , Joyce is a wife to Howard ,mother of three children, Stephanie, Christopher, and Caroline and a BANKER. She is seen here on a money-green background, with her head surrounded by a border which is the same as on a Dollar Bill. Her crimson dress is in sharp contrast to the Green to reveal her feminine side. I created a vertical Chinese design (emphasizing her ethnic background) and carried the design down to an authentic Chinese script of her name, Joyce Lim. Wall Street is a hectic place and the pace is relentless, but Joyce is a master of her trade and thrives on deadlines that would drive others to distraction. She is a consummate banker and a truly accomplished Woman in Finance.
Ms. Joyce Lim-Has a home in New York State
living with her husband and children, still holding a
responsible financial position, traveling to Europe
and Asia fullfilling her obligations,which have
grown since the children are now in college.
Yvonne Hutchins Plummer, R.N.
Ms. Plummer, a native New Yorker who graduated from New York University with a B.S. in nursing, a Masters in Public Health from Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine is shown here after she became Associate Director of Nursing at Elmhurst Hospital . The School Based Health Program is a much needed service that provides primary health care to the students.
Yvonne enjoys working with people, but particularly with children. As you can see, Yvonne is surrounded by children of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. I used a white backdrop to emphasize the Medical (sterile) feeling of the portrait. Yvonne’s white coat blends into the background, but does not lose its’ outline. It’s more subtle edge allows the children to be more in the forefront. I used photos of children that I had and placed them around Yvonne (three of which are my grandchildren Sondra, Eva and Genevieve)..couldn’t resist it.
Ms. Yvonne Plummer- Although retired, Yvonne is still very active
on various boards. They seek out her advice, especially where there are children involved. She resides in Queens New York and generously
responds to those in need.
Victoria and Alexandria Vattimo
Victoria, an Albany native, graduated from Syracuse University and North Carolina State University and went on to become Chief of Staff for Senator Maltese. Her most significant other role, is that of Mother. Here you see her in a field of flowers holding her daughter with much affection. Alexandria , on this painting is an adorable two year old, and mother has a look of great pride as she holds her. The sun dances off the brilliant white dress and touches, just barely, Vicotria’s cheek. One can almost feel the warmth of the sun as it brings out the vibrant colors of the grass and flowers. I loved the field so much that I continued to work on the other painting of the field and the two of them immersed in all the flowers. It became one of my favorites.
Ms. Victoria Vattimo- Living in Albany with her husband
Ernie. She holds a responsible position while bringing up her
young daughter who is now in college. Her daughter, Alexandria
no doubt will follow in her Mother’s footsteps and create a career
of her choice.
Katarzyna Lewczuk
Katarzyna represents a woman of strength and determination, yet very much a woman. A lot of thought went into this one because, I had to show a woman in a male dominated surrounding. The uniform, boots, military background, hardly feminine, but here she is. Katarzyna’s angelic face (beautiful), with a stance that says “watch out!” The American Flag behind her speaks of her allegiance, her smile says “I know what I’m here for.” There was a definite reason for this one, because it again emphasizes the fact that women indeed have come all the way.
Ms. Katarczyna Lewcuk – Now working for Homeland Security,
has a young baby Angelina who is the spitting image of
her mother. They both live in Queens New York and one day,
Angelina will be her own woman as well.
Victoria Schneps-Yunis
To say that Victoria is a business woman is an understatement. She not only Publishes the Queens Courier Newspaper, but is involved in many philanthropic endeavors. She was responsible for exposing the mistreatment of emotionally disturbed children in a facility housing them. She brought about a change that created a whole new atmosphere for them and their care. She is a leader in a networking organization that creates the opportunity for all women in various businesses to get together and build a successful business, not only for themselves but for the community in which they reside. She hosts and directs a Dinner each year for the “10 Best Women of the Year” awards. Over the years the number it reaches increases, and it becomes more and more popular. I had the honor of being one of the recipients of an award several years ago. “Best Artist of the Year”. Vickie, as her friends know her, has more than earned her title of BUSINESS WOMAN.
Ms. Victoria Schneps-Yunis – Residing in New York with
her husband, still has a hand in running the Courier Newspaper
Chain,.Although she indicates she has given her son a great deal
of that responsibility so as to keep up with her many interests
in promoting Women in Business. She and her husband love
to travel and writes of her journeys in her Article “ Victoria ’s Secrets".